‘I wouldn’t do it’. That was surf coach Samba Mann’s blunt answer when first asked about visually impaired surfer Matt Formston’s intention to ride the frightening big waves of Nazaré Spain. But Samba believed in Matt’s natural surfing talents, and could feel his confidence, so the ex pro surfer quickly became a crucial active adviser on Matt’s journey to successfully riding the dangerous spot’s famous big waves. Working with Matt for 18 months locally prior to his departure to Nazaré, Samba helped him plan and prepare for all scenarios. Training centred on physical preparation and technique, plus how to communicate effectively in a noisy ocean environment.
With no visual, he had to rely on the advice and cues of the team of experts around him to successfully catch, and ride, the big one. Sound-based cues became crucial, so tools and techniques such as whistles were perfected with Samba in smaller local conditions first. Samba changed his coaching style to suit Matt’s unique needs too. Rather than coaching from on shore with a video camera, Samba was right beside Matt in the water, including acting as spotter to advise on Matt’s form, the direction of waves, angles and timing in the moment.

This is active advice at work, something we believe in at Insurance Advisernet. It’s the expertise and experience to guide the ideal preparation. Anticipating both current conditions and what’s ahead, to ensure our customers can move forward with confidence and a sense of trust. Not resting on our laurels, or waiting until it’s too late.

With Insurance Advisernet’s network of experience, active advice and ongoing support, you can manage your commercial risk and have the confidence to push your own limits.