Environmental Strategy

Insurance Advisernet plays an active role in helping to reduce our Carbon footprint. We assist this by having clear actions we can take now, these include:

  • If meetings cannot be held using electronic meeting apps, it is recommended that air travel is booked using carbon offsets.
  • Work with landlords or as premise owners, look to install energy-saving lighting such as LED light fittings.
  • Installing auto timers on all lighting and air conditioning units and where possible use natural ventilation.
  • Encourage the use of laptops as they consume less electricity.
  • Encourage the use of green energy where possible and available.
  • Use our Broking software as it is designed and email all client documents, to discourage and limit use of printers.
  • Provide and use recycling facilities, including office waste, printer cartridges and paper.
  • All conference venues to have accredited recycling procedures to limit the environmental impact from these events.
  • Encourage the broader team to participate in activities to lower their carbon impact, such as, community tree planting, clearing of rubbish from waterways or installing energy-saving appliances, power generation alternatives such as solar energy or using low emission vehicles. 
  • Encourage carpooling to work, events and where possible use public transport.

This strategy plays a key role in encouraging the right behaviours and ideas that we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint. Through the IA Foundation we support community initiatives that assist us in reaching net Zero emissions, these include local initiatives such as bush regeneration following bushfires or local efforts to clear local waterways of rubbish.

Our strategy has 10 practical initiatives all members of Insurance Advisernet can participate in to reduce our carbon footprint.  

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