Building a Bulletproof Business: Strategies for Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience

Building a Bulletproof Business: Strategies for Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience

Supply chain disruptions like the pandemic, attacks on shipping in the Middle East causing change of routes and delivery delays, the CrowdStrike global outage and Cyber-attacks happen regularly and without warning.

Here’s some tips which may be useful reminders in reducing disruptions to your  business.

Diversify Suppliers

Identifying and engaging alternative suppliers will take time and effort, however this can ensure supplies at a critical time.

Inventory Management

Inventory management plays a crucial role if there is a supply chain disruption. If you depend on JIT, it may assist to have an agreement with a friendly competitor where you both provide each other inventory for a short period. 

Building Strong Relationships

Relationships with suppliers are vital. Open lines of communication and mutual understanding can lead to more flexible and responsive supply chain practices. 

Risk Assessment

Continuous reviews of key risks to the business, including monitoring your supply chain can allow businesses to identify and address issues before they escalate. 

Business Continuity planning 

To make your business resilient, whether it’s a loss of a major supplier, severe storm damage, or any number of other disasters, you need more than a Business Plan. You’ll need a Business Continuity Plan that outlines the immediate responses and goals following a major incident, as well as your path to recovery.

Your Contingency Plan will need to include a Risk Management plan, Incident Response plan and finally a Recovery plan.

Supply chain disruptions are happening more frequently and can have flow on effects across business sectors. By managing suppliers and inventory, fostering strong relationships, and conducting ongoing risk assessments and planning, businesses can build a more resilient supply chain and minimise disruptions.

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Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance

From your family and employees to customers and suppliers, there are a lot of people who depend on your business opening its doors each day.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance

Technology has never been so deeply entwined in our businesses. While it delivers significant efficiencies and convenience, it also comes with significant cyber risks.

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