Small Business Owners: Stay On Guard Against Scams!

Small Business Owners: Stay On Guard Against Scams!

As the world recovers from the recent Microsoft-CrowdStrike outage, small businesses must be vigilant against phishing emails from scammers.

Key Points

Be Suspicious of Unexpected Communications

  • Please exercise caution when receiving unexpected emails, screen pop-ups, or phone calls claiming to be from Microsoft, CrowdStrike, or major organisations like banks and telecom companies.

Get Educated

  • Gain basic cyber security education to recognise and handle unsolicited or suspicious prompts to “reboot” or “update” your system.

Report Suspicious Activity

  • Visit if you suspect you've been targeted by a scammer trying to access your computer.

COSBOA CEO Luke Achterstraat warns that small businesses should prepare for an expected rise in phishing attempts and scam activities following the CrowdStrike outage. Scammers may exploit the situation by sending fake emails or making phone calls with messages like, “I’m here to help you reboot your system, just click here.”

Clicking on malicious links can lead to password theft and the installation of programs that give scammers ongoing access to your computer. The Australian Cyber Security Centre encourages consumers to get their technical information and updates only from official CrowdStrike sources.

Matt Fedele-Sirotich, Chief Technology Officer of CSO Group, emphasises the need for heightened awareness after major outages or global events, as attackers often take advantage of our eagerness to resolve issues. He highlights the importance of taking proactive measures to mitigate the risk of such threats.

Protect Yourself

  • PAUSE: Don't rush to act. Hang up on anyone asking you to download software or an app over the phone. Never provide banking information, passwords, or two-factor authentication codes over the phone.
  • VERIFY: Ask yourself if you really know who you're communicating with. Take the time to call the business using independently sourced contact details or verify you're talking to a real employee using their secure app.
  • PROTECT: Act quickly if something feels wrong. If you've shared financial information or transferred money, contact your bank immediately.

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For more information and to report scams, visit the National Anti-Scam Centre’s Scamwatch.

General Advice Warning

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