Insurance Advisernet Haymarket


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About Us

Insurance Advisernet Haymarket is an Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet, one of Australasia's largest General Insurance Brokers. Our knowledge of the local insurance industry is second to none and our experience in handling insurance for many thousands of customers enables us to provide advice you can always trust. It also means you'll benefit from access to unrivalled financial strength, business efficiencies and buying power spanning every major insurer in Australia and New Zealand and access to major overseas insurers if and when required.

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James Choi


Larissa Centoducato Herod
Sam Choi
Cherie Jan
Qingya Kong
Annie Lei
Gemma Manley
Patrica Tino
Eddy Tinyow

Leigh Moulden PRINCIPAL



James is involved with the day to day business operations and has a hands on approach with all facets of the business. With over 35 years of experience as both a broker and agent, he consistently achieves exceptional results for his clients. James specialises in risk analysis, risk management recommendations, hands on claims management and placement of a variety of risks including and not limited to Commercial & Industrial, Construction, Liability, Professional Indemnity, INT Liability, Marine, Prestige Residential, Management Liability, Cyber Insurance etc.  

James works for you and only you not the insurers, and when you need to lodge a claim, advice and service is paramount. He is your claims advocate achieving better outcomes and ensuring you receive your full entitlements.  

Qualification: Diploma in Financial Services (Insurance Broking), Senior Associate of ANZIIF and CIP


Larissa Centoducato Herod

Qualifications: Advanced Diploma in Business & Marketing, Tier 1 General Insurance Broking accredited

Aussurity is Insurance Advisernet Haymarket's trading brands and specialises in Commercial Property Owners, Restaurants and Residential Landlords.
Our goal at Aussurity is to use technology and our industry experience to ensure that you get the right cover for the risks that you require insurance protection for.
Educated in both Brazil and Australia, Larissa started her insurance career in 2011, when along with two partners founded an Insurance Broking business in Brazil which specialised in the burgeoning Medical Indemnity market in Brazil. Larissa held the position of Marketing Manager and was responsible for developing a significant client base. In addition to Broking Medical Indemnity insurance, Larissa developed marketing campaigns which sold Personal Lines and Personal Accident insurance to the firm’s client base.

Larissa assist clients in Australia from the Brazilian and Portuguese Communities, being fluent in Portuguese and English.


Deborah Choi


Sam Choi

Qualifications: Tier 1 in General Insurance through LMI College of Insurance and Risk, Bachelor of Business

Sam joined our branch in 2009 as an Administrative Assistant and in 2013 he was promoted to an Authorised Representative.

He specialises in Small-Medium Business Insurance, Motor Vehicle Fleets, Property Owners/Operators, Construction, Retailers, Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.


Cherie Jan

Qualifications: Tier 1 in General Insurance through LMI College of Insurance and Risk, Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting & Finance - University of New South Wales

Cherie joined our branch in 2012 as an Administrative Assistant and in 2015 she was promoted to an Authorised Representative.

She specialises in Business Insurance, Commercial Property Owners, Strata Insurance, Domestic Insurance (Home and Landlords), Motor Vehicle Fleets, Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.

Cherie assists our Asian clients (Cantonese & Mandarin).


Qingya Kong

Qualifications: Tier 2 in General Insurance through LMI College, Master of Marketing degree through University of Sydney (USYD)

Qingya joined our branch in 2020 as Marketing Manager and Administrative Assistant and promoted to an Authorised Representative in 2020 and specialises in Domestic Insurance (Home & Contents, Landlords), Small-Medium Business Insurance, Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.

Qingya assists our Asian clients (Mandarin).


Annie Lei

Qualifications: Tier 1 in General Insurance through LMI College of Insurance and Risk, Bachelor of Business - University of Technology Sydney

Annie joined our branch in 2014 as an Administrative Assistant and in 2015 she was promoted to an Authorised Representative.

She specialises in Business Insurance, Commercial Property Owners, Contract Works Insurance, Domestic Insurance (Home and Landlords), Motor Vehicle Insurance, Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.

Annie assists our Asian clients (Cantonese).


Gemma Manley

Gemma's passion is helping businesses achieve their maximum potential and having the right risk management programme to support this aim. Gemma is skilled in sales and communication, with 15 years of experience across a wide range of industries with a specific focus on ASX 100 C-suite clients. Gemma uses her experience to develop new opportunities and build strong relationships with her clients for Insurance Advisernet Haymarket’s newest trading brand Aussurity Insurance Advisernet. Other skills include being a qualified dive master and nutritionist.


Patrica Tino

Patrica joined our branch in 2003 and started her career at entry-level doing Certificate III in Business Services and recognised for her talent, she was promoted to an Authorised Representative. During her time here, she has gained valuable experience and developed a good relationship with clients and insurers. Her goal is to provide a great friendly service to our clients.

She specialises in Small to Large Business Packages, Construction Risk, Professional Indemnity, Motor Fleet, INT Liability, Domestic Insurance and statutory classes (Workers Compensation and Compulsory Third Party (CTP)), Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.


Kyra Tinyow


Paige Tinyow


Eddy Tinyow

Eddy joined our branch in 2004 after successfully running and selling his family grocery distribution business. With the guidance of our Managing Director James Choi, he has a good grasp of general insurance with the aid and training of Insurance Advisernet.

He specialises in Small-Medium Business Insurance, Motor Vehicle Fleets, Property Owners/Operators, Construction, Retailers, Domestic Insurance (Home and Landlords), Management Liability and Cyber Insurance.

Eddy assists our Asian clients (Cantonese).


Matthew Hufano

Our Commitment

As your appointed General Insurance Advisers, we commit to:

  • Conduct an analysis of your risk/needs and advise our recommendations on the correct covers required to protect your assets and liabilities
  • Recommend the appropriate Insurer to match the risk
  • Only recommend financially secure and stable Insurers
  • Provide alternatives on your risk retention through various excess options
  • Provide alternatives to pay premiums in monthly instalments
  • Prompt and timely servicing of your account to ensure you are adequately informed of issues that may affect your business
Emergency Claims - 1300 831 094

In the event of a claim we will:

  • Provide you with the Insurer’s Claim Form
  • Arrange for the Loss Assessor to be appointed if applicable
  • Advise you on the completion of the Claim Form
  • Submit the Claim Form to the Insurer on your behalf
  • Provide advice to ensure you have received your full entitlements

What our Customers are Saying

Why Choose Insurance Advisernet


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Contact Us

P:(02) 9211 1718


Suite 147, 4th Floor Regis Towers, 416-418 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

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Business Insurance Products

Builders Warranty Insurance

Today licensed builders needs Builders’ Warranty Insurance for some, if not all residential jobs. Generally, a Builders’ Warranty Insurance certificate must be submitted before any work can begin.

SME Business Insurance

Business Insurance is used by many businesses, but it’s best suited to SME-type operators.

Business Interruption Insurance

From your family and employees to customers and suppliers, there are a lot of people who depend on your business opening its doors each day.

Information & Downloads

AR Profile

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