Insurance Advisernet Supports Team Rubicon Australia
Insurance Advisernet were proud to present Team Rubicon and their CEO Geoff Evans, with a cheque for $1,060 last week in Sydney, brought about by Authorised Representative, Leigh Moulden.
Team Rubicon Australia (TRA) was founded in Sydney in 2016, and has since spread to Melbourne, Brisbane and Townsville, with many other locations currently being scoped. TRA unites the skills and experience of military veterans with emergency first responders to rapidly respond to natural disasters in Australia and around the world. In doing this work veterans regain a sense of purpose, community and identity.
Leigh met Geoff on Kokoda in 2013 and bonded over the 6 ½ days even shacking up next to each other some nights in the various huts!
Recently Geoff was head hunted to start Team Rubicon here in Australia to get veterans back working and using their skills to assist in crisis situations (Proserpine floods and right now NSW Farmers drought).
Team Rubicon was founded in the US in 2010, where it has proven to be a powerful tool for veteran reintegration. Since 2010, the Team Rubicon model has expanded to Canada, the UK and Norway.
Team Rubicon represents a significant departure from traditional veterans’ organisations in that veterans join Team Rubicon to continue to serve others. Responding to natural disasters provides veterans the opportunity to grow beyond their military service. More broadly TRA aims to change the narrative around what it means to be a veteran in Australia from victim, to highly valued civic asset, with skills and experience to be harnessed.