Helping homeless and disadvantaged people rebuild their lives
Since 1982, Sacred Heart Mission has been helping the homeless, disadvantaged and socially excluded to experience a better life. Initially, their focus was on providing food and a place to sleep, but quickly extended into securing stable housing and building capacity for them to enjoy a safe, independent and active community life. Over the years, regardless of age or background, the Sacred Heart Mission has helped thousands of disadvantaged people rebuild their lives across Australia.
IA is a fervent supporter of effective non-profit organisations, regularly making financial donations to worthy causes. We established the Foundation to support our ongoing commitment to the wider community in Australia and New Zealand. In this way, we have contributed more than $2.5 million to more than 30 charities, holding true to our mission and helping to improve the lives of disadvantaged people.
So, it is with great pleasure that we have donated $12,500 to the Sacred Heart Mission. This donation will provide further resources to the Mission and enable them to continue their good work in aiding these underprivileged individuals.
More about the Sacred Heart Mission
The Sacred Heart Mission was started by Parish Priest Father Ernie Smith who shared a meal with a homeless man in Port Philip, Melbourne. This led to providing more and more meals from the presbytery’s kitchen to the homeless and eventually to the founding of this non-profit organisation. Today, the Sacred Heart Parish Hall still acts as a dining hall for the homeless and has proven to be the very heart of the Mission, providing breakfast and lunch, as well as access to a variety of services to hundreds of homeless and disadvantaged, every day.
The Mission originally set out to help homeless people reengage with their community but has since expanded to include a range of disadvantaged and socially excluded people. The Sacred Heart makes a difference by helping these people with a range of services that includes food, clothing, health care, housing and other specialised services.
In essence, the Sacred Heart Mission helps people take back control of their lives and in doing so, helps to create better communities for all of us. Relying on volunteers and donations, the Sacred Heart Mission has to date, provided more than 136,000 meals to the homeless and disadvantaged over the past year alone. This has been achieved by volunteers who have contributed nearly 70,000 hours of their own time to the Mission. Without volunteers and donations from companies like IA, the Mission would be unable to perform their charity work to the extent that really makes a difference in the lives of these deserving individuals.
The Sacred Heart Mission have become one of the recognised leaders in social research and a passionate advocate for an inclusive, fair and compassionate community where people can overcome disadvantage and realise their full potential.
You can learn more about the Sacred Heart Mission on their website: https://www.sacredheartmission.org/