Keeping children safe from abuse & neglect
Act for Kids is an Australian charity focused on preventing and treating child abuse and neglect with the ultimate aim of providing kids with a safe and happy childhood. With more than 45,000 children suffering significant abuse or neglect across Australia every year, the work performed by this charity is not only vital to our children’s future, but it’s also essential to our social fabric.
The IA Foundation was established to support our local community and we make a point of donating to worthy charities and non-profit organisations. Act for Kids came to our attention more than five years ago and we since have made multiple financial donations to this charity over the years.
These regular donations have been used to help Act for Kids deliver their Protective Behaviours Program, Learn To Be Safe With Emmy And Friends in many Gold Coast schools. Our latest donation of $25,000 will allow the expansion of this Program to local early childhood education centres, aimed at 3 to 5-year-old kids.
In a communication with Act for Kids concerning IA’s donation, their spokesperson stated, “We are thrilled at the opportunity to increase our impact to even more children with the help of Insurance Advisernet”.
More about Learn To Be Safe With Emmy And Friends
This program teaches grade one children how to identify when they are not safe and how to seek help when they need it. It’s aimed at preventing child abuse in our young and vulnerable children. The updated program will be delivered to children and video recorded as a training resource for early years centres nationally.
Act for Kids are also keen to include short podcasts of key protective behaviour messages that can be promoted to parents and carers. The IA Foundation funding will also be used to embed Act for Kids new online training package in these early years centres using feedback from educators, parents and children to make improvements to their resources and tools.
More about Act for Kids
For more than thirty years, Act for Kids has been providing free help for thousands of children and their families working tirelessly to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect. They tackle this overwhelming problem from four avenues: therapy services, family interventions, education services and residential services.
Therapy services: Act for Kids multi-disciplinary teams work with children, young people and their families to help them recover from emotional and physical trauma. This assistance includes occupation therapy, speech and language therapy, and psychologists.
Family interventions: These include supporting families at risk of entering the statutory child protection system, as well as those already within this system.
Education services: This includes Learn To Be Safe With Emmy And Friends, as well as an Early Education Program aimed at helping children, who due to neglect or abuse, struggle to attain skills needed to start school. There is also an in-home program that promotes positive parenting skills for families with children up to five years of age.
Residential services: This program is based on a partnership with Traditional Owners aimed at keeping indigenous children in their own community.
IA is proud to support the work of Act for Kids and looks forward to continuing our association for many years into the future. For more information about Act for Kids, child abuse and neglect in Australia, visit their website: https://www.actforkids.com.au/